Fire reaction certification: what it is and why it is necessary


Fire reaction certification: what it is and why it is necessary

Fire reaction certification is one of the issues at the centre of every designer's plan.

It is because it allows us to understand how steel and other structural elements of a building respond to a possible fire

On this topic, if you are interested in learning about it, read: “STEEL AND FIRE: REACTION, RESISTANCE AND PROTECTION

The risk of flames is a very concerning risk in the construction sector, as the exposure of the structures to high temperatures is highly critical for their load-bearing capacity. 

For this reason, technological evolution has been improving more and more, hand in hand with the development of a large production of fire regulations.

In this interaction, fire certification has taken on considerable importance. Finding out what it is and why it is needed is of considerable importance in the building design sector.


What is reaction to fire certification

Summarising the set of fire regulations is a difficult task. In fact, it is a constantly evolving process, both on EU and national level. 

However, dwelling on the reaction to fire of buildings and the elements that make up the structure, it can nevertheless be said that the legislation has made the issue of certifications pivotal.

Certification is a document that certifies the reaction to fire of the individual materials incorporated in the construction.

It is necessary because it ensures the suitability of the product for all the legal requirements set forth in terms of fire prevention.

The reaction to fire certification concerns:

  • Public buildings such as hospitals, hotels and large garages;
  • Buildings for residential use, if they exceed certain dimensions (generally certification is required if the building is taller than 30 meters);
  • Materials used in construction, which must ensure adequate fire behaviour.


The difference between resistance and reaction to fire

Resistance and reaction to fire are two distinct concepts. 

Fire resistance concerns the building elements. 

It indicates the behaviour of these elements in the presence of fire, and is recognised by the initials R.E.I. These letters respectively identify:

  • R - Resistance or mechanical stability: it concerns how the element retains its mechanical resistance in the event of a fire;
  • E - Airtightness: this is the parameter that shows the element's ability not to let smoke pass and not produce it in contact with the flames;
  • I - Insulation: this determines the thermal insulation guarantee of the element. In particular, it indicates the capacity to not allow heat to spread to the parts not affected by the fire.

The initials R.E.I. is usually followed by a number, which expresses the minutes of flame resistance.


What is reaction to fire

The reaction to fire certifies the rate of participation in fire of the materials used in construction.

The rate of participation is determined by a scale from A to F. Class A is the highest level, it includes the best performing materials. 

With reaction to fire, further parameters are also certified, such as:

  • Flame propagation speed;
  • Smokiness;
  • Dripping;
  • Release of toxic substances.


With the aspects relating to fire reaction certifications being specified, let's find out what solutions are proposed by Isopan.


Isopan panels and Bs1d0 certification

Isopan panels ensure excellent performance also with regard to fire resistance.

This is due to the chemical components of the foam, which allow the sandwich panel to ensure excellent reactions to fire and, consequently, to reduce the spread of the flames.

The quality standards guaranteed by Isopan panels make it possible to obtain Bs1d0 certification. The latter concerns the insulating panels used mainly for roofing, walls and false ceilings. 

In addition, Isopan panels are also characterised by the use of Leaf technology, a widely effective solution in terms of energy savings and environmental sustainability and which increases the fireproofing capacities of the panels.


Leaf, the technology of Isopan panels

In addition to fire resistance, thermal and acoustic insulation, Isopan panels are also designed to offer guarantees of eco-sustainability.

This is thanks to the use of Leaf technology, which ensures a reduction in energy consumption with consequent benefits for the environment. 

Leaf makes Isopan sandwich panels a leader in the field of thermal insulation. This is thanks to the polyurethane foam, which guarantees 20% less heat loss compared to other panels on the market of the same thickness.

However, remaining on the subject of fire resistance, it must be said that even in this area, Leaf has proven to be an effective technology.

This technological innovation allows the sandwich panels to guarantee excellent standards of behaviour in the event of fire, recognised by obtaining the Bs1d0 certification, the highest European certificate in terms of PIR foam reaction to fire.

Isopan supplies sandwich panels suitable for all project characteristics, whether they concern buildings or cold rooms used in large-scale retail.


Written by

Rocco Traini - Technical Office Coordination
Rocco Traini - Technical Office Coordination

Engineer, and coordinator of the technical office, Mr Rocco Traini, supports the sales department to help customers find the best technological solution. With more than 10 years of activity in the Isopan world, he is today an expert in sandwich panels and their applications.

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