Gas-intensive companies: 2022 concessions

Gas-intensive companies: 2022 concessions

In order to counter the rise in gas prices seen in recent months, the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) published the new “Gas-Intensive” Decree (publication in the Official Journal no. 5 of 08/01/2022), with the aim of defining an aid scheme by re-determining fees, to cover the general charges of the gas system applied to companies with high consumption of natural gas (gas-intensive), connected to the financing of measures aimed at achieving common decarbonisation objectives.

As of 1 April 2022, companies meeting the necessary requirements will be able to access a significant tax break on the REIG and RETIG components of the general charges in their bills (a measure similar to the one already in place for energy-intensive companies).

Which system charges

The restructured fees concern two tariff components that taxpayers pay to ARERA (Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment) when they pay their gas bill.

  • The RETIG gas transmission rate element
  • The REIG component, on the other hand, regards distribution costs.

Both components are expressed in euro/Sm3 and are intended to cover expenses incurred for interventions and measures for energy saving and the development of renewable energy sources for the gas sector.

Companies that can benefit

These are all those companies that the decree considers as with high gas consumption (known as gas-intensive).

To be eligible, they must fall within the established parameters:

  1. Have an average consumption (over a three-year reference period) of natural gas of at least 1 GWh/year, i.e. 94,582 sm3/year considering a gross calorific value for natural gas of 10.57275 kWh/Sm3;
  2. To be on the list defining the sectors in which natural gas-intensive companies operate with an international trade intensity index of no less than 4% (Annex 1 of Ministerial Decree no. 541 of 21 December 2021).
  3. Have a Gas Intensity Index on GVA greater than or equal to 20% where determined in relation to GVA or alternatively have a gas intensity index greater than 2% where determined in relation to Turnover.

The Ministerial Decree also introduces further conditions for taking advantage of the benefits.

Eligible businesses are those which, at the time of application in the year of recognition of the benefit, adopt energy-efficient measures in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 102/2014, such as:

  • be ISO 50001 certified, i.e. adopt an Energy Management System (EMS) in compliance with the standard
  • be in possession of an Energy Diagnosis in accordance with Annex 2 of the same Legislative Decree 102/2014, communicated to ENEA and valid. 
    Companies with an energy diagnosis must have implemented at least one of the energy efficiency measures identified in the diagnosis.

Under the first application of the decree, companies not in possession of a certification or energy diagnosis can access the benefits by undertaking to comply with these two requirements during the year in which the benefit is granted.

In the event of non-compliance with the commitment, the company is obliged to repay the benefit.

We evaluate together

Manni Energy is able to support your company comprehensively: from checking the requirements and submitting the application to issuing the Energy Diagnosis report for obtaining incentives.

For information contact Manni Energy contact person - Luca Riboli, write to or call 045 8088911.

Per informazioni contatta il referente di Manni Energy - Luca Riboli, scrivendo a oppure chiamando il numero 045 8088911.

Written by

Raffaele Bulgarelli - Digital Marketing Expert at Manni Group
Raffaele Bulgarelli - Digital Marketing Expert at Manni Group

Raffaele, Digital Marketing Expert of Manni Group, works in synergy with Isopan, gaining insight into the technical world of sandwich panels and keeping pace with the latest trends in the building industry. Thanks to his training in Architecture, he has a keen eye for online topics and activities involving designers and architects.

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